The school enjoys the service of a school chaplain. The chaplain is part of the pastoral care team at the school and are available 5 days a week. The chaplain is located in an office in U block.
Key messages
A chaplaincy/student welfare service is an optional service introduced into a state school to provide students, staff and parents with social, emotional and spiritual support.
A chaplain/student welfare service is not an Education Queensland employee, they are employed by an authorised employing authority.
Chaplaincy/student welfare services provide an additional adult role model in schools.
A school's chaplaincy/student welfare service complements other support services in the school such as those offered by the guidance officer.
A chaplaincy/student welfare service is not a counselling service.
Local chaplaincy committees perform an advisory role to the principal for the development and implementation of the school chaplaincy/student welfare service.
Relevant legislation, policies and procedures